6 Tips for Raising Christian Kids in a Non-Christian World
Are you hoping to raise kids who love Jesus and follow Him wholeheartedly? In today’s non-Christian world, that can be a challenge. As parents, we never know what potential pitfalls may lurk around the corner. Even in our homes, we need to think through how we can best protect and train our children to live in a non-Christian world and still remain strong followers of Christ. It’s not easy, but there are some things you can do as a parent right now to help your children stay grounded in their faith and avoid negative influences. If you'd like to learn more about raising Christian kids in this world, keep reading for some great advice on how you can do just that.
Establish the habit of daily Bible reading.
This is the foundation for everything else. If your children are growing up with a daily habit of reading the Bible, they are much less likely to fall into the trap of rejecting their faith. You can do this when your kids are very young, and they’ll grow up with a powerful anchor in their lives. Make it as natural as possible—read a Bible story together before bed, put one verse from the Bible on their lunch bag each day, read a Psalm out loud before a meal—and make it something your family does every single day. As your kids get older, you can ask them to memorize verses as well as read them. The Bible contains wisdom, truths, and knowledge that will never let your children down. It is a light that will shine in the darkness of their lives, and help them make wise choices even when they don’t know any better. It is a light that they can pass on to others as they get older, helping them to make better choices and have a positive impact on their world.
Talk to your kids about your own faith journey.
Kids are naturally curious about everything, so this is a great time to tell them about your own Christian walk. How did you come to faith in Christ? What were the challenges you faced? What was the process like for you to commit your life to following Jesus? Kids often assume that faith is a gift that you’re either born with or not, but nothing could be further from the truth. Faith is a choice we make every day, and kids who understand that will be much less likely to fall away from their faith as they get older. This is also a great time to talk about other people you know who follow Christ, and what makes them different from non-Christians. How do you pray? What are some of your favorite things to pray for? What is your faith community like?
Set clear boundaries and stick to them.
Let’s face it: there are a lot of negative influences in the world, and your children are exposed to many of them on a daily basis. As parents, it’s your job to help them navigate their way through a world that is often hostile towards them, and a faith they are trying to hold onto. That’s why it’s so important to set clear boundaries in your home, and stick to them. That might mean not allowing certain TV shows in your home, or only allowing your kids to play certain video games. It may mean that your family doesn’t celebrate certain holidays, or that you don’t allow your children to participate in certain extracurricular activities. You don’t have to be a killjoy and shut out everything, but it’s important to set boundaries and follow through on them. Kids need to know that you’re serious about this, and that your home is a safe place where they can feel free to be themselves without feeling pressured to conform to the world.
Don’t shy away from talking about Jesus when you're together.
Parents often think they need to tiptoe around the fact that they are Christians when they are with their kids. But that just sends a message that Christianity is something that should be hidden away, or that it’s something to be ashamed of. Instead, be open and honest about your faith. Let your kids know that you are Christians, and that following Jesus is something you are proud of. Let them know that you love them no matter what they believe, but that you also have a right to have your own opinions and express them openly. Let them know that you are not ashamed of the fact that you follow Christ, and that you are happy to answer their questions about the faith as honestly as you can. Let them know that you are proud to be a Christian, and that you hope they will choose the same path one day.
Help your child find a community of faith outside the home.
One of the best ways to help your child stay connected to their faith is to help them find a community where they can regularly engage in faith-related activities. Whether that’s a church youth group, a Christian sports team, or a Bible study group, it’s important to find some sort of faith-based community outside the home that your kids can be a part of. That way, they will have people outside the home who can help them stay connected to their faith, and who can encourage them to remain strong followers of Christ. When they are surrounded by other kids who are also trying to live their faith, they’ll feel less alone and more empowered to stay strong in the face of any challenges they face.
Don’t be afraid to talk about sex and drugs with your kids.
Many parents are reluctant to talk with their children about sex, drugs, or anything else that they fear might be considered inappropriate for kids. But the fact is that kids need to know about these things, and that parents are the best people to deliver that message. Kids are curious, and they are going to learn about these things one way or another. It’s better that they get their information from you, their parents, than from friends who might be misinformed or who have less than pure motives. When you are talking with your child, make sure that they know that you love them, that you are proud of them, and that you are always ready to answer their questions. Let them know that your goal is not to embarrass them or make them feel ashamed, but that it’s to help them make good decisions and be prepared for what life may bring their way.
Bottom line
Raising Christian kids in a non-Christian world can be challenging, but it’s a challenge worth taking on. Your kids will face many challenges and tests in life, and having a strong faith can help them navigate those challenges more successfully. Establish the habit of daily Bible reading, talk to your kids about your own faith journey, set clear boundaries and stick to them, don’t shy away from talking about Jesus when you're together, help your child find a community of faith outside the home, don’t be afraid to talk about sex and drugs with your kids, and you'll be well on your way to raising kids who love Jesus and follow Him wholeheartedly.