How Parenting Affects Child Development: The Surprising Results of an Interesting Study
As any parent knows, raising a child is challenging. There are so many things to consider and adjust to, day after day. Parenting affects child development in so many ways. How your child grows and matures depends on the parenting style you use, how much time you spend with them, what values you instill in them and how much trust they can place in you. To help us better understand how parenting affects child development, researchers from Stanford University published a study on their findings about this topic. It’s an interesting look into why some kids turn out one way or another based on their parents’ actions or inactions. From the first day of birth until the last years of high school, children react to different types of parenting. Here is what we learned from these findings...
Parenting affects child development in many ways.
The study also looked at how differences in parenting affect toddlers and teenagers. Parents who use more positive techniques with toddlers often see higher scores of positive psychological development in children of all ages. Parents who use more negative techniques with toddlers often see higher scores of negative psychological development in children of all ages.
Children who feel safe are more likely to develop well.
The feeling of safety and trust in a child’s parents can have a huge effect on child development. If the child feels safe, they will be able to develop more freely. If they feel threatened, they’ll be afraid to try new things or explore their surroundings. When parents cultivate a sense of safety in their child, the child is more likely to gain a positive self-image and self-confidence, be able to explore their environment and thrive socially. Parents can instill a sense of safety and trust in their child by being consistent in how they discipline them, making sure they are not afraid to talk to them and being loving, affectionate and accepting.
Children who get a lot of verbal encouragement develop better communication skills.
Children who receive a lot of encouragement to explore new ideas and experience new things are more likely to become verbally skilled. When parents encourage their child to talk and explain things to them, they are building communication skills in their child. When parents encourage their child to explore new ideas, they are helping them gain critical thinking skills. When parents encourage their child to experience new things, they are helping them gain social skills. Parents can encourage communication and critical thinking skills in their child by accepting their ideas, letting them know that they are allowed to ask any question and setting aside time for them to talk about their day.
Children with a lot of unstructured playtime develop better problem-solving skills.
Playtime is a crucial part of child development. It’s when children learn about the world around them, discover their own abilities and find out what they’re interested in. When parents let their children play and explore in an unstructured environment, they are helping them develop better problem-solving skills. Parents can let their child play in an unstructured environment by providing them with open-ended toys and activities that don’t have an end goal, letting them explore the outdoors and letting them discover interests on their own.
Children whose parents spend a lot of time with them and show they care develop greater empathy.
The single most important factor in how your child turns out is how much time you spend with them. Kids are more likely to develop empathy for others and show great emotional intelligence when their parents are consistently available to them. When parents spend a lot of time with their child and show they care for them, they are giving their child the best chance to succeed and thrive in life. Parents can show they care for their child by spending time with them and showing them feelings of love and affection.
Summing up
Parenting is a truly challenging job, but one that is greatly rewarding when you see your child grow and develop as a result of your efforts. Although there are many factors that affect child development, the most important factor is time. The more time you spend with your child, the more they will grow and develop as a result.